Angular2 is one of those frameworks you’ll come across if you review recently developed applications. Various potential security issues found in the first version of Angular are being addressed by the new framework. So if you don’t completely abuse it, the baseline is decent. There are a few minor issues that can be quite easily spotted when reviewing an application, and I decided to note them here.


The configuration options allow for removal of comments automatically during the build process. This is a good idea to prevent accidental information leakage. Simply check if the line

"removeComments": true

is in tsconfig.json.

Script Gadgets

During the presentation of Breaking XSS mitigations with Script Gadgets most will have noticed, that Angular2 was not in the list of investigated frameworks.

One of the reasons is, that the template compiler is by default not delivered to the client, since Angular2 uses Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation. AOT is used whenever the flag --aot is passed. When the application is built with --prod - --aot is set as default.

If you see a vendor.bundle.js file, aot wasn’t used for the version you are looking at. It contains the compiler. Happy hunting for script gadgets.

While this shouldn’t happen, it might and that is why we keep an eye open for one more setting. The Angular compiler can be set as a dependency in both dependencies or devDependencies in package.json. devDependencies will not be delivered when the app was compiled with --prod.

What happens if the dependencies list the Angular compiler?

Lucky for the application developers - in most cases it will be removed during tree-shaking. This might fail if the application directly references the compiler. To ensure that the Angular compiler really is not part of the app, the Angular compiler should only be listed in the devDependencies.

bypassSecurityTrust* functions

That is what I call good naming. Simply grep for the bypassSecurityTrust* functions, as an easy way to find where untrusted input is used:


That’s it. Hope you gained some new insights.